Bruce Nauman: Paradoxical By Nature – Pirelli HangarBicocca – Nico Kos Earle
At Bruce Nauman’s first MoMA retrospective in 1995, the art critic Robert Hughes said “no show was ever noisier…” but concluded that Nauman…
21 September 2022
At Bruce Nauman’s first MoMA retrospective in 1995, the art critic Robert Hughes said “no show was ever noisier…” but concluded that Nauman…
21 September 2022
In the midst of the chaos in the London art world caused by the current pandemic an artist occasionally shows up who seems serenely separated from the ongoing turmoil.
18 October 2020
This is the first major exhibition of the work of Bruce Nauman in London in more than 20 years.
Monday to Sunday 10.00–18.00
Bruce Nauman is the latest artist to be given a solo exhibition as part of the Artist Rooms series of annual free exhibitions.
31 July 2017
Sprüth Magers, presents an exhibition of Joseph Kosuth ‘Amnesia: Various, Luminous, Fixed.’ featuring work that dates from 1965 up to… Read More
12 January 2015