The exhibition features works made throughout Takis’ long career, starting with early bronze sculptures of the 1950s
Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 6pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm
The exhibition features works made throughout Takis’ long career, starting with early bronze sculptures of the 1950s
Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 6pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm
Post-script: This piece was initially intended as a review of the exhibition ‘Takis’Tate Modern. Sadly, since the time of writing the artist has passed away, on the morning of the 9th of August. This piece has subsequently been revised as something of a tribute to a singular figure of contemporary art.
10 August 2019
Over a 70-year career, Takis (Panayiotis Vassilakis, born 1925) has created some of the most innovative art of the 20th century.
Sunday to Thursday 10.00–18.00 Friday to Saturday 10.00–22.00
The Greek artist Panayiotis Vassillakis, known simply as Takis, born in Athens in 1925, is a very senior member of today’s international avant-garde. His new show at Tate Modern – what? Not a woman, not a person of colour? – therefore qualifies as an event of some interest.
7 July 2019