Google Celebrates Halloween With Animated Occult Doodle

Google Doodle

Google Users will have a surprise today when they use the world’s top search engine facility. The appearance of a spooky animated doodle will greet the viewer, with a witch complete with caldron. The elaborate page decoration allows you to mix a concoction of sculls, bones apples (Snow White reference) and mystery bottles. You can combine various ingredients to play mini games, from whack-a-mole with the undead, to a shell game where your goal is to find a mummy in a coffin. There are several others, which can be found with a little experimentation.

Google have found success with several different holiday doodles in the past. It is becoming a modern holiday feature to find these illustrations and animations throughout the year. The use of familiar themes such as seasonal references are a tried and tested method of marketing.

New technology has allowed these animations to become more elaborate and Google now have a full time staff of designers and animators working throughout  the year to produce these cutting edge promotions.

