David Blackmore: European Pa55port

David Blackmore MOCA London

This October MOCA London (Museum of Contemporary Art London) presents European Pa55port, the first London based iteration of the relational work from European artist David Blackmore.

Consisting of a discussion with participants and deconstructive acts MOCA will become a space for debate and transgression. Dependent upon members of the public taking part by working with their own passport covers European Pa55port will instigate, develop and maintain a conversation surrounding the relevance of national and European identity as BREXIT approaches.

In February 2016, in the run-up to the UK’s referendum on membership of the EU, Blackmore wrote to the European Commission requesting a non-nation specific European passport, in return for which he was willing to revoke both his Irish and British citizenships. The request was declined, in writing seven months later ‘because such a passport does not exist’. In response to this reply, Blackmore removed the national emblems from both his Irish and British passports the process of which was recorded and disseminated through a dedicated website www.europeanpa55port.com.The work has evolved into a relational piece in collaboration with members of the public. Following a discussion with participants exploring the meaning of national identity using European identity as a counterpoint. Using erasers willing individuals will rub away the national emblem from the cover of their passport.

Duration 13 October 2018 - 13 October 2018
Times 6.30-8.30pm
Cost Free
Venue MOCA London
Address 113 Bellenden Road, London, SE15 4QY
Contact / info@mocalondon.co.uk / www.mocalondon.co.uk

