Top 10 – Offensive Works Of Art

top 10 offensive works of art

8. Édouard Manet – Olympia, 1863

Manet Olympia

The painting by Édouard Manet was shown at the 1865 Paris Salon, and caused shock and astonishment when the painting was first exhibited. What shocked contemporary audiences was not Olympia’s nudity, nor the presence of her fully clothed maid, but her confrontational gaze and a number of details identifying her as a demi-mondaine or prostitute. Some of the details that indicated Olympia as a prostitute include the orchid in her hair, her bracelet, pearl earrings and the oriental shawl on which she lies, symbols of wealth and sensuality. The black ribbon around her neck, in stark contrast with her pale flesh, and her cast-off slipper underline the voluptuous atmosphere. “Olympia” was a name associated with prostitutes in 1860s Paris.
