Arts Council England has announced a further three years of investment for seven Creative People and Places projects. They are receiving a total of £6,315,305 to build on the achievements made possible through the current fund.
Creative People and Places is designed to ensure more people create and experience great arts and culture in the places where they live. Taking place in 21 places across England with low levels of arts and cultural engagement, projects are developed and delivered by a consortium of diverse local partners, empowering communities to take the lead in shaping local arts provision.
Existing projects awarded funding from the second round of the Creative People and Places Programme and one project from the first round were able to apply. This is new funding for new outcomes that will allow applicants to build on their existing projects; to further develop their work within local communities, to ensure that more people experience and are inspired by the arts, to build sustainability into these projects to increase reach, and to support learning across the wider arts and culture sector.
Phil Cave, Director of Audiences and Engagement, Arts Council England said: “Everyone involved in the Creative People and Places programme should feel very proud of what they have achieved so far. It’s inspiring to see how the places want to go further – they want more people to experience and be inspired by the arts, and want communities to feel empowered to take the lead in shaping their local arts provision. It’s fantastic that with this new funding these Creative People and Places projects can continue to make a difference in those communities. We’re looking forward to seeing them build on their achievements to date, and these new projects coming to life.”
The ongoing evaluation of the Creative People and Places Programme has revealed that to date the 21 projects have delivered 2,300 projects and events (totaling 47,000 hours) and engaged with over 1.2 million people. Additionally, research shows that 90% of Creative People and Places audiences and participants do not regularly engage in the arts.