London’s latest art sensation, Kelvin Okafor has produced a drawing of Justin Bieber and filmed the process on video to show off his amazing Photo Realist technique. He is known for his talents as a master draftsman, producing portraits of international personalities and iconic architecture. Now the former Middlesex University graduate has taken on teen heartthrob Justin Bieber as a subject.
The portrait was inspired by a photographic image but mostly drawn from memory by the artist. It reproduces all of the elements of a sharp focus snapshot showing every blemish and pore. Okafor uses a combination of Graphite pencils, black colour pencil and a white pastel for highlight on sketching paper to achieve the final rendition. It was drawn with pencil made by Faber-Castell on paper type Daler Rowney. The drawing is 13 x 18 inches.
Kelvin Okafor is a 27-year old has already had more than 50 commissions and is generating a buzz at galleries he exhibits at and online. One of his recent accolades, The Catherine Petitgas Visitors’ Choice Prize part of the National Open Art Competition, was awarded to Kelvin after he received the most votes from the public. Kelvin has also recently been selected as one of the top two pieces of work in Cork Street Gallery Open Exhibition Winter Show.
Okafor has stated; “I am a very passionate penciled artist who is highly interested in detail and precision. Being extremely precise in my drawings is what I’m most passionate about. I aspire to create art as vivid as eyes could see. I want my drawings to prompt an emotional response, making viewers feel as though they are looking at a real live subject. Feeling a sense of presence and emotion”.
Kelvin Okafor’s drawings can be viewed in the flesh at the Science Museum at the Watercolour and Works on Paper Fair from 31 January – 3 February
See More Of Kelvin Okafor’s Work Here
Visit the Fair Here
Watch Okafor Draw Justin On Video Here