The 2017 New Years Honours list has given a resounding seal of approval to the Visual Arts this year. The List has reflected the contribution the Visual Arts sector has undertaken and its considerable cultural accomplishments. Artists Chris Ofili CBE, Patrick Brill OBE (AKA Bob & Roberta Smith) and Ryan Gander OBE were honoured with these noblest accolades. This year sees the highest number of awards to black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) background recipients, who make up 9.3% of the successful candidates.
The New Year Honours List is a British tradition marked by naming new members of orders of chivalry and recipients of other official British honours. A number of other Commonwealth realms also mark this day in this way. The awards are presented by or in the name of the reigning monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II or her vice-regal representative. The selection is made up from names nominated by government officials and now the public are also allowed to nominate. Honours have been awarded at New Year since at least 1890, the year a list of Queen Victoria’s awards was published.
The honours list is put together by nine independent committees set up by the Cabinet Office, and this year there are equal numbers of male and female recipients. A small number of honours are in the Queen’s personal gift.
Congratulations! New Years Honour’s List Services To The Arts 2017
Chris Ofili CBE services to the arts
Patrick Brill (Bob & Roberta Smith) OBE services to the art
Ryan Gander OBE services to the art
Don McCullin For Services To Photography KBE
David Adjaye, lead architect of the Smithsonian’s new museum of African American History in Washington, DC, has been granted a KBE.
Rosemary Greenlees Executive Director Crafts Council OBE
Jennifer Waldman Director Of Imperial War Museum CBE
Nicholas Logsdail Founder/ Director Lisson Gallery OBE