Jonathan Yeo Goes Green With New Portrait Of Sir David Attenborough

Jonathan Yeo Goes Green With New Portrait Of Sir David Attenborough

A striking new portrait of Sir David Attenborough, celebrating his 40 years as a fellow of the Royal Society, has been revealed. The oil on canvas, created by the celebrated artist Jonathan Yeo, presents Sir David in a contemplative pose, set against a vibrant green backdrop. His gaze meets the viewers’, and his hands are gently clasped around his knee.

Sir David, who holds Yeo in high regard, expressed his thoughts on being a part of the Royal Society’s esteemed collection. ‘It is truly remarkable to see my portrait among these greats,’ he shared during the unveiling on The One Show on the BBC.

Reflecting on his illustrious career, Sir David said, “To spend so much of my life observing the natural world and sharing its complexity, beauty, and fragility with others has been a great privilege.” He acknowledged the vital role of natural history filmmakers and scientists in his work.

Jonathan Yeo, who recently painted the first official portrait of King Charles III since his coronation, described it as “a huge honour” to paint Sir David. “He is a personal inspiration,” Yeo said, adding that it was both a thrill and a privilege to spend time with someone whose wisdom and company are so enriching.

The portrait of King Charles unveiled a few months ago, was attacked by animal-rights protesters in a London gallery, although the painting remained unharmed. For Sir David’s portrait, Yeo chose an “ambiguous natural green background,” suggesting that the broadcaster “might be emerging from one of the many habitats he has filmed.”

Sir David was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1983 and was recognised for his exceptional contributions to public engagement in science. The Royal Society’s head of library and archives, Keith Moore, expressed the institution’s excitement about the new addition. “The Royal Society has portraits of many great scientists,” Moore noted, mentioning luminaries like Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, and Dorothy Hodgkin. “But I’d defy you to find anyone who has touched as many lives in explaining science and its impact on our world as Sir David Attenborough. He’s one of a kind.”

Jonathan Yeo Goes Green With New Portrait Of Sir David Attenborough
Jonathan Yeo Portrait Of Sir David Attenborough

Jonathan Yeo: And Contemporary Portraiture
Jonathan Yeo, born on 18 December 1970, is a celebrated British artist known for his innovative and insightful portraits of some of the world’s most influential figures. Yeo’s journey into the art world is unique, marked by a self-taught background and a distinctive approach that has made him one of the most respected contemporary portraitists.

Yeo’s early career was characterised by his ability to capture the essence of his subjects, often imbuing his works with a sense of intimacy and psychological depth. His talent quickly garnered attention, leading to commissions from various notable individuals. Over the years, Yeo has painted an impressive roster of sitters, including political leaders like Tony Blair and George W. Bush, cultural icons such as Sir David Attenborough and Malala Yousafzai, and celebrities including Nicole Kidman and Helena Bonham Carter.

One of Yeo’s most significant achievements was creating the first official portrait of King Charles III following his coronation. This work unveiled to much acclaim, solidified Yeo’s reputation as a leading figure in the world of portraiture. His ability to convey the personality and humanity of his subjects has earned him numerous accolades and a prominent place in contemporary art circles.

Yeo’s work is characterised by meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to capturing the true essence of his subjects. He often combines traditional techniques and modern perspectives, creating portraits that reflect contemporary sensibilities. His portraits are celebrated for their emotional resonance and engaging viewers, inviting them to see beyond the surface.

In addition to his commissioned portraits, Yeo has exhibited his work internationally, with solo exhibitions at prestigious institutions and galleries. His work is held in significant collections, including the National Portrait Gallery in London, where his paintings continue to attract and inspire audiences.

Beyond his artistic achievements, Yeo is also known for his involvement in various philanthropic endeavours. He has used his art to support numerous charitable causes, demonstrating a commitment to using his talent to impact society positively.

Jonathan Yeo’s contributions to portraiture are marked by a career that continues to evolve. His work captures the likeness of his subjects and provides a window into their inner lives, making him one of the most successful contemporary portrait painters in Great Britain.

The portrait will be publicly displayed at the Royal Society starting on 2 July.

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