Painting is still alive! Claiming painting remains influential and relevant in the contemporary art discourse, 100 Painters of Tomorrow, is an ambitious investigation initiated by Kurt Beers, the director of Beers Contemporary gallery in London. The book, published by Thames & Hudson, provides a panorama of a new generation of promising international artists revisiting and working with the medium of painting today. The selection was made from 4300 artists’ submissions by an authoritative panel made up of prominent voices in the contemporary art scene including the artist Cecily Brown, art critics Suzanne Hudson, Barry Schwabsky and Philip Tinari, the curators Gregor Muir, Tony Godfrey, and Yuko Hasegawa
The volume offers an overview of the myriad of different aesthetics, styles, and techniques ranging from conventional uses of the medium to contemporary visual abstractions, revealing the skills beyond the artist’s brush. Gathering illustrations, short biographies complete with quotations from artists, the survey is a journey through intriguing artistic universes including the talented young painter Andrew Salgado who looks at the human figure, drawing inspiration from the traditions of portraiture, to deconstruct identity through expressive gestures. Another highlight is the Lisbon-born artist Ivana de Vivanco’s work, exploring mythological narrative scenes and extending the tradition of the new Leipzig school.
The book is a brilliant attempt to dismiss the death of painting already proclaimed in 1968 and reassesses its contemporary status within the debate of medium-specificity. Designed for collectors, curators and art lovers, 100 painters of tomorrow deserves attention for those looking for picturing the current trends in contemporary painting.
Words: Sofia Touzan Photo @Artlyst 2015