Anicka Yi: Hyundai Commission

Anicka Yi,Hyundai Commission,Tate Modern

The latest Hyundai Commission for Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall is undertaken this year by Anicka Yi.

Anicka Yi (b.1971, Seoul) fuses artistic imagination and scientific research. Drawing on disciplines as wide-ranging as biology, biochemistry, anthropology and philosophy, her work speculates about the present in relation to our shared futures including the evolution of artificial intelligence, climate emergency and migration. She is known for the way her works activate different senses and for experimenting with unorthodox materials that have ranged from tempura batter to kombucha leather.

Yi’s captivating new work for Tate Modern will be her largest and most ambitious project to date, continuing the highly experimental cross-disciplinary approach she has become known for.

Duration 12 October 2021 - 06 February 2022
Times Monday to Sunday 10.00–18.00
Cost Free
Venue Tate Modern
Address Bankside, London, SE1 9TG
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