‘SHAPE CHROMA’ is a trialogue between three painters whose formal inquiry into shape, colour and spatial illusion is presented in three different material approaches and methodologies. The three artists explore the interrelationships between chromatic interaction; constructed space; illusionistic space and composition in a conversation with early European Modernist abstract painting and current digital information age influences. The constructed space of painting is playfully reconfigured in a set of new visual dialogues which reference both historical and 21st Century influences.
This timely show takes a meta-Modernistic approach – looking back in order to move forward. The re-shaping of colour, represented though perfect and imperfect arrangements, re-examines the push and pull of the picture plane; and the choice of support and surface materiality further comments on the rich history of geometric abstraction, which has inspired and informed all three artists – their aim is not to repeat familiar tropes but to find new systems of making and new ways to re-present colour and form.
Laurence Noga blends found objects and chromatic energy in evocative constructions that embrace imperfect geometry and fluid visual balance. Noga’s work combines an industrial and geometric aesthetic with more personal themes and undercurrents. A sense of history comes from collective and individual memories.The optical effects of Katrina Blannin’s meticulously layered geometric forms rest upon the clarity of simple systems, found colour, palindromes and structural repetition. Caroline List’s analysis of colour theory, atmospheric phenomena and illusory effects establishes a complex spatial lexicon that animates the timeless interplay of form, ground, support and setting. Colour gradients and blends are seen in contrast to visual horizons and inter- connecting form.
Duration | 18 September 2021 - 16 October 2021 |
Times | Thursday to Saturday 11am-5pm or by prior appointment |
Cost | Free |
Venue | Tension Fine Art |
Address | 135 Maple Road, London, SE20 8LP |
Contact | / enquiries@tensionfineart.co.uk / https://www.tensionfineart.co.uk/ |