Notra Dam Fire

Notre Dame Cathedral Badly Damaged by Raging Fire

A catastrophic fire has destroyed the main roof and spire of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. The fire broke out at 5:50 pm local time quickly spreading through the structure which was undergoing a major 6.5m euro renovation

15 April 2019

Sackler Room National Gallery

Sackler: A Family Divided – Dame Jillian Sackler Speaks Out

Dame Jillian Sackler, third wife of the late Arthur Sackler has defended her branch of the family’s philanthropic donations with a statement to the Washington Post, outlining that her side of the family has never participated in the manufacture of OxyContin or benefited from money generated by Purdue Pharma, which is wholly owned by the other side of the Sackler family.

15 April 2019


Anish Kapoor 'A Brexit, A Broxit, We All Fall Down'

Anish Kapoor Creates The Ultimate Brexit Artwork

Anish Kapoor has created a new work titled ‘A Brexit, A Broxit, We All Fall Down’. The work depicts an open wound representing the state of the political climate, in a divided country, which just a few years ago was a reasonably unified nation.

3 April 2019

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