Michelangelo ,British Museum

Michelangelo the last decades

This exhibition looks at the last 30 years of Michelangelo’s remarkable life, when his return to Rome – having been summoned by Pope Clement VII to paint a fresco of the Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel – brought him new commissions and reunited him with some of his closest friends.

02 May 2024 - 28 July 2024

Daily: 10.00–17.00

British Museum, Great Russell St, London, WC1B 3DG


Bill Viola Michelangelo Royal Academy of Arts

Bill Viola / Michelangelo: Life Death Rebirth

The Royal Academy brings together two artists Bill Viola and Michelangelo – born centuries apart – who explore the same universal themes with works of transcendent beauty and raw emotional power.

26 January 2019 - 31 March 2019

Daily 10am – 6pm Friday 10am – 10pm

Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House, 6 Burlington Gardens, London, W1J 0BD


G F Watts Found Drown

G.F. WATTS – Not Quite Michelangelo By Edward Lucie-Smith

The G F Watts Gallery, near Guilford, with one of very few art spaces in Britain that is basically dedicated to a single artist. Equivalents, perhaps, are Leighton House in Kensington, the Stanley Spencer Gallery in Cookham, and maybe – just maybe – Damien Hirst’s splendid new gallery in Newport Street, Vauxhall. There, however, the great Damien has been careful to show work by artists other than himself, though most of what is on view comes from his own collection.

6 July 2017