Headley Roberts Non Portraits New Art Projects

Hedley Roberts Unveils Non-Portraits Of Lovers, Friends, Family, Acquaintances And Strangers

Between 2014 and 2017 Hedley Roberts produced a series of ‘non-portraits’ of lovers, friends, family, acquaintances and strangers. Roberts begins by working from photographic collages using source materials from social media sites or images sent to him by friends. Sometimes he begins with a photographic image of someone that he wishes to portray, more usually he begins with a collaged image or photograph of someone who looks similar to his subject. Occasionally he just begins.

5 March 2017

Jay Galvin Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Banksy Brexit Mural in Dover

Top 10 – Refugee Artists

In light of current world events, Artlyst thought it poignant to point out that with change comes cultural diversity, which in turn empowers the evolution of art. Here is our list of the top 10 refugee artists.

24 December 2016


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