Top Art News Stories Featured On Artlyst In 2017
It has been a challenging year in the art world with record auction prices and soaring fair costs.
29 December 2017
It has been a challenging year in the art world with record auction prices and soaring fair costs.
29 December 2017
Here’s the Artlyst guide to the Top 10 best Museum exhibitions on in London this Summer, half of which have Free admission.
25 July 2017
Throughout the History of Art, there are examples of loving couples in passionate embraces. Here Artlyst presents its top 10 most memorable kisses in art.
13 February 2017
In 2016 Anish Kapoor acquired exclusive rights to the unique Vanta black pigment, reported to be the blackest shade of black in existence. So this week Artlyst celebrates the Top 10 black paintings.
30 December 2016
2016 saw the 100 year anniversary of the first Dada performances at the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich, Switzerland. So in reverence to this important moment in 20th century Art History, Artlyst brings you the Top 10 Dadaist Artists.
27 December 2016
Here is the Artlyst for the top 10 international black artists working today, the first of many celebrating diversity in the visual arts!
27 December 2016
The feminist art movement emerged in the 1960s with women artists taking an interest in how they differed from their male counterparts. Artlyst has put together its top 10 feminist artists.
27 December 2016
Appropriation art or the art of appropriation is the use of pre-existing objects or images with little or no transformation applied to them. Here is the Artlyst top ten most controversial works of Appropriation Art, and some of the court cases that followed.
26 December 2016
As Winter is upon us and the nights are already closing in, what can be more appropriate than works of art in monochromatic white.
26 December 2016
The horrific events in Paris over the weekend has prompted us to look back to the many artists in the last fifty years who have realised the power of art as a tool in raising awareness and propagating the concept of world peace. Here are our top ten examples of this very powerful medium.
26 December 2016
In this week’s Top 10 theme, Artlyst has searched Art History for the 10 best works of art featuring skulls.
26 December 2016
A list of this nature is entirely subjective, as there are over 10,000 graduates from Art schools in the UK alone each year. Here is our international list and let’s call it only part one of the artists that have caught our eye in the last twelve months. (First published October 2015)
26 December 2016
Serota should be awarded the Turner prize, “for furthering so many worthless careers”. This is one of the many put-downs by the late art critic Brian Sewell. Here’s what Brian has to say about some of the other biggest names in Modern and Contemporary art.
24 December 2016
In light of current world events, Artlyst thought it poignant to point out that with change comes cultural diversity, which in turn empowers the evolution of art. Here is our list of the top 10 refugee artists.
24 December 2016
Artlyst brings you our top ten Banksy’s of all time. Which one is your favourite?
24 December 2016
What is an art Scandal? Find out here in Artlyst’s Top Ten Art Scandals!
24 December 2016
Welcome to Artlyst’s Top 10 Sexist Artworks! Some of the examples in this Top 10 feature are shocking, only by virtue that they were created, exhibited and sold in the artist’s lifetime. How did they get away with it?
24 December 2016
The term “starving artist,” is a stereotype! Yet many well-known artists did die in poverty – here is Artlyst’s top 10 artists that died in poverty.
23 December 2016
Rich is a non-gender specific term. But what about the fact that the top ten richest artists are all male. Welcome to Artlyst’s Top 10 Richest Women Artists. (First published June 2015)
23 December 2016
Artlyst’s list of the richest living artists. (First published June 2015).
23 December 2016
Well, I knew you just had to click onto this! Couldn’t resist …Right!!! This week Artlyst features some of the… Read More
23 December 2016
Love it or loath it, the Turner Prize award always raises a critic’s scrutinising eyebrow. Some past prize winners are now household names, others have sunk into the hinterlands of obscurity. Here are some of the more outlandish past entrants.
23 December 2016
There has always been a strong relationship between art and politics. Artlyst brings you the Top Ten Political Works Of Art.
22 December 2016
History tells that where there is big money to be made there is always a scammer out there to fake it. Here are 10 examples of the biggest art forgeries out there.
22 December 2016
Throughout the centuries art has suffered at the hands of natural disaster, (Pompeii) conflict (WW2) and negligent owners (Casino owner Steve Wynn). Here is Artlyst’s top 10 list of art disasters.
22 December 2016
This week’s Top 10 takes a look at works of art that have been hated by some but not always by all.
22 December 2016
Warning… If you are easily offended then please do not open this top 10!
22 December 2016
Here is our selection for the Top 10 Most Laughable Works of Art. We leave it up to your imagination as to what we’re conveying by giving these pieces airtime on Artlyst.
22 December 2016
Artists were very likely the first ‘Rock Stars! Since Caravaggio, they have left behind a legacy of volatile extremes whether it be drunken incontinence or in your face infidelities. Here are a few examples of ‘Bad Ass’ artists .
21 December 2016
Artlyst Top Ten etchings. A few of them still make me blush!
21 December 2016
This is not an easy or palatable topic, but art is steeped in violence. Here are ten of Artlyst’s favourite historic examples of this most horrid visual manifestation.
21 December 2016
A new exhibition at the National Gallery is a celebration of monochrome and in particular painting in black and white. Artlyst has curated its own selection.
21 December 2016