Radical Figures,Whitechapel Gallery

Radical Figures: A New Art Movement? – Edward Lucie-Smith

The rather splendid show of new figurative painting, now on view at the Whitechapel Art Gallery, boasts that it is the first event of its kind since the New Spirit in Painting exhibition that made such an impact here in London in the now long-ago 1980s.

5 February 2020

We will walk Turner Contemporary

Fugitive Artists Display Powerful Images At Turner Contemporary

‘We Will Walk—Art and Resistance in the American South’ is one of the most powerful and important shows I’ve seen. It is co-curated by the artist Hannah Collins, who initiated the project, and curator Paul Goodwin. The exhibition traces the history of African-American artists in the Deep South during the second half of the 20th century, a time of racial terror so savage, so traumatic but yet so recent.

5 February 2020

Baseera Kahn

Baseera Khan: A Compelling Body Of Work – Isa Freeling

Walking into the Simone Subal Gallery on the lower east side, which was once ironically a hub for immigrants, I am taken aback by the beautiful work in front of me. From an aesthetic point of view alone, the sculptures of “Snake Skin,” an installation by Baseera Khan, an artist and a visiting faculty member at Bennington College in Vermont (my alma mater), holds one’s gaze in observation.

15 December 2019


Eco-Visionaries: Moralistic Participation – Edward Lucie-Smith

The Eco-Visionaries show just opened at the Royal Academy, in its new set of galleries (easiest entry via Burlington Gardens) embraces the current fashion for moralistic participation. You don’t just visit an exhibition of this kind – wandering around, taking a look, liking or not liking what you see. You are instead invited to embrace a cause or even a series of causes.

5 December 2019

George IV: The Art Of Spectacle - Queen's Gallery

George IV: The Art Of Spectacle – Queen’s Gallery – Edward Lucie-Smith

The Queen’s Gallery, behind Buckingham Palace, is the place where the British Royal Collection Trust displays its treasures. The latest exhibition there – George IV: Art and Spectacle – is a particularly splendid example. George IV, alias the Prince Regent, was, next to Charles I, the greatest collector of art in the history of the British monarchy.

28 November 2019

x ANSELM KIEFER 'Superstrings, Runes The Norns, Gordian Knot' 

Anselm Kiefer: Everything is connected – Jude Cowan Montague

White Cube, in this instance, seems the perfect place for this exhibition. So perfect I feel it is over-designed. The perspex boxes of wires, cables are too perfectly matching, autumnal; this could be a fashion collection doesn’t Vogue recommend this kind of palette at this time of year, in tweed? Browns, rusts with a splash of turquoise? Nothing vulgar. Nothing synthetic. Organic colours.

25 November 2019

Steve McQueen

Steve McQueen: Year 3 – Tate Britain – Edward Lucie-Smith

I increasingly get the feeling that the two London Tates are struggling to know what to do with the huge central spaces that are a characteristic feature of both buildings. The new show at Tate Britain – Steve McQueen: Year 3 – is symptomatic of this, though it is in many ways a more successful solution to the problem than some of the previous ones.

19 November 2019

Three London Shows November 2019 – Edward Lucie-Smith

As the nation plunges towards Brexit, and, as the official galleries – specifically the two big London Tates – grow more and more self-satisfied and increasingly inclined to offer displays of civic virtue as substitutes for anything you can actually describe as art, one turns towards the commercial galleries for solace.

19 November 2019

FACT - You Feel Me Photo ©-Rob-Battersby

You Feel Me: A Place Without Division – FACT Liverpool – Alice Lenkiewicz

I found this latest exhibition at FACT Liverpool thought-provoking. It challenges the way we view the world and what we are being taught to believe. It encourages you to think about the possibilities of changing the limitations and constrictions imposed upon us through a contrived system of power and incivility that has been spoon-fed to us throughout our lives.

4 November 2019

Tearing up the Rule Book: Paintings By Day Bowman at Atelier Melusine

There’s something very irresistible in Day Bowman ’s abstract paintings, currently showing on two floors of what was once an épicerie/cordoniere and its living space above built into the ruins of the old walls of the ruins of Chateau La Tremouille, in the small town of La Trimouille in Western France. 

20 October 2019

Victoria Crowe

Victoria Crowe: Half Century Of Painting – Edinburgh – Clare Henry

Beauty. Not a word used much today. Not a popular concept. Not necessarily an accolade. Yet Victoria Crowe creates beauty with her every brushstroke, line, smudge, highlight, shadow. Superb draughtsmanship combined with a perfect painterly touch and humane sensitivity produces overarchingly intelligent pictures, rarely encountered in 21st-century art galleries.

20 October 2019

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